Bring your dedication and dreams, we’ll unleash your faith and future.

Multnomah seminarians are excited about church 历史, 圣经神学, 原始的语言, 解释的技巧, 门徒, 福音, 不同的观点, 说教, 全球使命, 还有当地的教堂. We understand that loving God with our hearts, 思想, 力量意味着运用我们的智慧和情感来理解神所启示的,并用敬拜来回应.

我们将激励和装备你,将你的异象和热情转化为改变生活的事工, 教堂, 组织, 运动, 实践, 和生活. Our professors will enrich and support your learning and growth. You will have peers and mentors to encourage your pursuit of Christ-likeness, sharpen your theological understanding, deepen your understanding of God’s Word, and cultivate your thriving faith. 在我们的社区里, 你会发现在基督里同为弟兄的人,都很乐意事奉主, 深入圣经, and discovering opportunities for 福音. 无论你离开后的旅程带你去哪里,你都会有一个可以称之为家的地方.


Fall Priority 申请的最后期限: August 1

Spring Priority 申请的最后期限: December 1


This non-refundable fee is to be paid online when the application is submitted.

此表格须由申请人的牧师、属灵导师或事工主管填写. It cannot be completed by a relative.

教授、导师、雇主、前雇主等应填写此表格. This form cannot be completed by a relative.

要求你的正式成绩单从你所就读的院校寄出, 正在参加, or from which you will receive credit directly to 坚实可靠的大学.

Master of Arts in Christian Leadership, 神学硕士, Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, and Master of Arts in Theological Studies

  • 最低GPA要求:2.5
  • 获得认可机构颁发的学士学位,至少32个学期的通识课程学分, 包括英语作文, 演讲, 历史, 心理学, 和社会学.
  • 高级课程:必须主修圣经,至少有36个学期的圣经学时, 神学, 以及与圣经有关的科目, covering the complete Bible and the traditional areas of systematic 神学.


表格:申请人必须提交教会领导推荐信和事工同事推荐信,以代替学术或专业推荐信或基督徒品格推荐信. Married applicants must also submit the Spousal Affirmation Form.

Master of Arts in Applied Theology

  • 最低GPA要求:2.5
  • 拥有认可的学院或大学的学士学位,至少有32个学期的通识课程学分, including such courses as English composition, 演讲, 历史, 心理学, 和社会学. Up to 15% of students applying to the program may be admitted 没有学士学位 如果他们能够证明他们拥有学士学位的同等学历.
  • Demonstrate at least 5 years of ministry experience.
  • 作为一个基于群体的项目, 进入队列是有限的,需要队列主管的许可. All applicants must be approved by the cohort supervisor.
  • 高级课程:经认可的圣经学院或基督教大学的毕业生可能有资格获得学分. Up to 10 credits may be waived from the program, leaving 32 credits to complete.
  • 最低GPA要求:3.0 -拥有神学硕士学位或同等学历,来自适当认可的学校.
    • 不符合年级标准的学生可以临时入学,但在他们证明有能力完成博士级工作后,可以取消入学资格.
  • M.Div. 学位或同等学历 – For admission into the program, 申请人必须持有, as per Association of Theological Schools (ATS) standards, M.Div. (或合格的硕士学位)来自高等教育认证委员会认可的机构或持有加拿大大学和学院协会会员资格的机构. Qualifying master’s 学位s, other than the M.Div., 必须相当于至少72个学时,代表广泛的神学工作, 圣经研究, 以及事奉的艺术, as well as significant ministerial leadership. 部长经验不等同于硕士学位,也不能代替硕士学位.
    • Students who do not meet the M.Div. 对等要求可以在项目期间选修额外的课程来满足要求.
  • Three years of ministry experience 申请人在取得第一学位后,必须有至少三年的事工经验. 最多15%的学生在没有必要的三年的事工经验的情况下,可以在给定的一年中被录取,如果他们能表现出适当的高级能力水平的足够的事工经验, professional ministerial studies.

If you come up short in any of these criteria (grades, 学位, 和/或经验), you can contact the director to discuss your qualifications. 在获得候选资格和完成最终项目之前,必须满足所有资格和水平课程.

If you are a Multnomah alum, the 司法常务官办公室 can assist you with reporting your grades and coursework.

There is no biblical language requirement for the D.最小值. 程序或M.Div. 等价.

学费 & 金融援助

If you need help paying for your education, you’re not alone. 坚实可靠的大学 offers scholarships, 奖助金, 以及旨在帮助你支付教育费用并充分发挥学生潜力的奖项. Learn more about our tuition and financial aid.


摩特诺玛大学在个人和机构层面都致力于圣经的权威和无误. 请参阅我们的 教义声明 了解更多信息.

在坚实可靠, you will find an atmosphere of support, 爱, and determination as you journey towards a deeper relationship with God. Spiritual formation will be an integral part of your seminary experience, placing Christ at the center of everything, and preparing you for a lifetime of ministry.

是的! We have a thriving community of graduate students who live on campus. 看看各种各样的 住房 options available to you and apply!

We have several upcoming dates for visitors and several 访问选项 to fit your specific questions and your schedule.

审计课程的请求由书记官长办公室审查和批准. 请参阅 注册官办公室页面 了解更多信息.

“The professors became more like spiritual parents to me. 他们教会了我正统(我的信仰)和正统(我的行为)之间的联系. That is what Multnomah is about. They walk with you and really care about you. 神学院教你在历史上的基督教团体的光照下生活你的神学. 所以如果你想连接到那口深井,喝那口深井里的水,去摩特诺玛吧.”

Ian Domaschofsky '19, 神学硕士


We are here to help you explore Multnomah and all that it has to offer you. 我们也可以帮助您解决有关录取过程的任何其他问题. 给我们打电话或发短信 (503) 251-6485 或电子邮件